Author of the archivesZespół Calypso

How to run efficiently?

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The run can be represented by a gait cycle analysis, which is defined as a movement in which at least one foot touches the ground. The phase of the run The phase of the run is called a situation in which both feet are torn off the...

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How to take care of a healthy diet of a child?

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Children are a group of people particularly sensitive to the effects of improper diet. This is due to the increased demand for energy during the period of intensive growth and development. A balanced, richly nutritious diet for the youngest is extremely important to ensure proper maturation. How...

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Insulin resistance in sporstmen

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The number of people with insulin resistance in the world is constantly increasing, which is particularly evident in highly developed countries. This increase is correlated with the increasing part of the population affected by obesity. Is physical activity indicated for people with reduced sensitivity of body tissues...

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How do you read product labels?

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The labels of food products apart from the attractive appearance that attracts consumers also present an important informative value. On each package you will find the composition of the product and tables of nutritional values. The article below presents information on how to correctly interpret the data...

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