Author of the archivesZespół Calypso

Sleep deficiency and its effect on health

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Sleep is an indispensable element of human existence - while sleeping, we spend about one-third of our lives. The basic issue that ensures health, which many people forget about, is taking care of the circadian rhythm and its appropriate regulation. How important is sleep? The mere presence...

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Carbohydrate or protein-fat breakfasts?

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Breakfast has long been presented as "the most important meal of the day". Undoubtedly, the quality of the first dish consumed influences later food choices. When composing the morning menu it is worth relying on the use of unprocessed and valuable food products. At present, two trends...

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The role of a fitness club in amateur sporting

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Amateur athletes are an increasing group of physically active people. The growing popularity of running, triathlon or cycling carries a crowd of amateurs who want to test their abilities during the competition. To meet the expectations, many events are organized for amateur athletes. Often, they are held...

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