In autumn and winter, the risk of deficiencies of vitamins and minerals increases. That is why it is worth purchasing products that will help fight the cold and improve well-being. We are now living in an age where everyone is looking for a magic pill or product that will provide health and longevity. There are many plants that have certain health benefits. Unfortunately, none of these will help us enough that we could consume processed food without consequences, avoid physical activity, or neglect the appropriate length of sleep.
This article presents several products - popular superfoods that are worth getting into your diet. The natural source of vitamins and minerals are fruits and vegetables, but when we do not have access to Polish fresh products, superfoods come with help. The following is explained what superfood is and what beneficial properties confirmed by the tests shows.
What is superfood?
The term superfood is used to describe a product group that has the following properties:
• health,
• vital,
• energy.
Superfood is unprocessed food of natural origin. The largest part is raw plant products, such as: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, shoots, grasses, herbs, seaweed or fermented products. Superfood is attributed to the properties supporting the work and regeneration of internal organs, as well as correcting disturbances of balance in the body.
Due to the development of transport and easier access to knowledge, there is a growing interest in this type of products, which are often attributed to magical health-promoting effects. However, it is good to keep common sense and be aware that adding a spoon of chlorella to your meal will not improve your health parameters when you spend the rest of the day on the couch and your diet will be based on processed foods.
The most popular superfoods
Maca root, also known as "Peruvian ginseng" has a wide range of biologically active compounds, it is also known for its healing powers. This plant is mainly associated with the improvement of fertility in women and sexual drive in men, as well as the properties that strengthen the body. In addition, maca is a source of essential exogenous amino acids, and is also a treasury of glutamic and aspartic acid. In addition, it is rich in magnesium, silicon, iron, calcium, zinc and other nutrients. Due to the presence of mustard oils, it has fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Its pro-health properties are also determined by the current biologically active ingredients:
• polyphenolic compounds,
• saponins,
• tannins,
• prostaglandins,
• plant sterols.
It is worth to include maca into your diet in the prevention of hormonal disorders, reduced libido or chronic fatigue.
Currently on the market it is available in the form of capsules, powder and extracts.

Aloe contains over 75 potentially active ingredients.
The leaves of fresh aloe contain an oozy gel, which is a valuable source of:
☑ polysaccharides,
☑ vitamins A, C and E.
It is also rich in:
•selenium and chromium,
Aloe vera gel applied to the skin has an anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition, aloe administered in the form of juice or supplement promotes reduction of constipation, symptoms of diabetes and supports the immune system.

Bee bread, also known as ragweed, is a product of an anaerobic fermentation of lactic pollen. This ingredient is a rich source of B vitamins, vitamin K, as well as minerals (including potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium). Bee bread has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. In addition, it affects viruses, fungi and parasites. It also shows anti-cancer and analgesic activity, support the treatment of diet-related diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome. The recommended dose is 30 g daily for a period of about a month.
Propolis arises as a result of bees processing resin collected from trees. In the digestive system of the insect, the so-called bee glue is formed, which in combination with pollen, gives propolis. In this product we find a group of biologically active compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, keto-enols. Like bee bread, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is recommended that you do not exceed a dose of 20 g per day in a treatment lasting several months.
Both preparations can be found in the form of granules for dissolution in water, as well as dietary supplements, tablets, powder, drops or syrup.

As everyone knows, it is a plant from the seeds of which chocolate is made. Cocoa is the basic ingredient of chocolate, while other additives such as sugar improve its taste - made only from cocoa would be incredibly bitter. However, it is bitter chocolate that provides a wealth of nutrients with health-promoting properties. Cocoa beans are rich in:
• antioxidants: polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins,
• magnesium,
• iron,
• chromium,
• manganese,
• zinc,
• copper,
• phenylethylamines - substances produced by our body when we are in love - which explains why chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac,
• tryptophan,
• fiber,
• caffeine.

From the pro-health point of view, cocoa has the greatest positive effect on the cardiovascular system. When adding chocolate to your menu, make sure that it contains the highest percentage of cocoa and the least number of additives.
There are many commonly available superfoods from which we can derive pro-health properties. Due to their beneficial effects, it is worth including several products from this group in the diet. It should be remembered that no therapy with superfoods can replace conventional treatment, however, these products can be an additional or prophylactic element. Superfoods should only supplement the daily balanced diet. Remember that the decisive impact on health is to take care of the basics such as: unprocessed diet, physical activity or lifestyle - these elements cannot be replaced by any "magical" product.