Physical activity, important for the health of the senior
Exercise benefits seniors in many ways. Properly adjusted, it can have a positive impact not only on the physical but also mental aspect. Exercise of moderate intensity, performed regularly, improves health parameters. Regular training helps keep your bones healthy. It lowers the probability of fractures, among others hip bone or spine. Exercise helps to increase muscle mass. In addition, exercise improves mobility and strengthens joints. Another benefit is the reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death in Poland. In addition, it is the basic prevention of the development of type 2-diabetes or depression. Physical activity is a proven cancer prophylaxis factor, reducing the risk of developing cancer of the colon, uterus and breast (especially in the menopausal age). Regular exercise is an effective method of maintaining a healthy body weight.
Physical activity reduces the incidence of diseases because:
• reduces the level of adipose tissue,
• maintains muscle mass,
• has a positive effect on cholesterol levels,
• lowers blood pressure, supporting heart health,
• improves blood flow through organs, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
How should seniors exercise?

The appropriate form of exercise for the elderly is not only daily walks, but also training in the gym. At any age, move as far as possible. Extending the time of undertake activity and the level of its difficulty should be gradual and adapted to the mood and state of health. Therefore, it is worth using the help and care of qualified personal trainers at Calypso Fitness clubs.
What exercises should I avoid?

Each training plan should be individually tailored to the health of the senior. You should avoid dynamic jumps and long-term leaning on the wrists or kneeling positions. In addition, sudden, too fast changes of position from low and medium positions (lying down, sitting, kneeling) to standing positions are not desired. Trainers at Calypso Fitness clubs will adjust the appropriate exercise plan to the abilities and health of the exercising person.
Free consultation with a trainer at the Calypso Fitness club
Visit the Calypso Fitness club and benefit from a free consultation with a trainer. During the visit, free body composition measurements will be performed on the TANITA analyzer. The latest innovative technology enables a comprehensive and precise analysis of the body composition and the metabolic age of the body. Obtaining accurate health indicators is crucial for monitoring progress and assessing the effectiveness of your training and diet. Physical activity is not only good for the figure. It is essential in building health as well as helping to fight stress.
It costs nothing and is the first step towards health!
How to prepare for a body composition analysis?
• Approach the test 3-4 hours after a meal.
• Avoid beverages with diuretic properties or caffeine before taking measurements
• Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before the measurement
• Wear light clothing
• If you are taking measurements regularly, take them at the same time of the day
Remember! Do not analyze your body composition immediately after taking a bath, using a sauna, and exercising.

We realize that introducing physical activity in the elderly, individually adjusted to the needs and health possibilities, is a priority. Maintaining the appropriate level of fitness in seniors allows you to maintain primarily health, mobility, but also well-being. We encourage you to use the services of professional personal trainers at Calypso Fitness, who will develop dedicated and detailed training plans and take care of their proper performance.