Correct training in the gym is not the easiest task. Above all, it should be performed in a safe way to bring satisfactory results.
In a perfect world everyone would be fully functional, without any injuries, which often result from a lack of knowledge about the correct performing of exercises or through random accidents and simply by extreme stupidity. Training without an individually selected plan, in the long run is just asking for an injury.
If you do not want to slow down the achieved effects, or in the worst case, exclude yourself from training for a long time, be sure to read this article.

Incorrect performing of exercises
Each strength exercise is dangerous to your health if you do it incorrectly. Therefore, you should pay attention to the technique of exercises.
At the beginning of your adventure with the gym, it is worth taking advantage of the personal trainings offer, where our instructors will take care of the right selection of exercises, and will watch over your technique, so that you can be sure that the training you are doing is pro-healthy for you. By training in the right way, you will guarantee constant progress, as well as minimize the risk of injury not only in the gym, but also in everyday life.
Remember to make sure you get acquainted with the technique of performing the planned exercises before you start training.
Using too heavy loads
Overestimating your abilities is one of the most common causes of injury. I advise you to leave your ego in the locker room!
Choosing the size of the training load has a considerable impact on the effectiveness of your training. Choosing too much weight does not increase the effectiveness of training, and even works the other way around, not allowing the muscles to work in the full range of movement.
In addition, too much weight makes it difficult to learn how to properly move, tighten muscles, and breathe. If you are a beginner and your movement apparatus is not prepared for training with weights, focus mainly on the technique and with the help of the trainer choose the training load that is optimal for you.
No warm-up
Warm-up is an inseparable part of every workout. During it, body temperature rises, which in turn leads to increased flexibility of muscles and tendons, stimulation of the circulatory and respiratory systems, which leads to increased muscle performance.
Another benefit of locating warm-up in your training plan is reducing the afflictions after exercise, and above all, minimizing the risk of injuries.
Properly carried out warm-up should last 10-15 minutes and consist of exercises that will prepare the whole body for training. There is no one universal, perfect warm-up - it should be adapted to the capabilities of the exercising person, as well as the specificity of training. Warming up is as much a part of the training plan as lifting weight and it should never be neglected.
Lack of training plan
An individually selected training plan will allow you to achieve your goals and at the same time to control your progress while training, preventing injuries.
Do not expect satisfactory changes if you do not pay attention to the loads and number of repetitions. Choosing random exercises without a proper plan will predispose you to an injury. Training without a training plan is in many cases simply ineffective and non-functional.
Relying on a random plan or training without it can negatively compensate for your problems, disturbing movement patterns and leading to injuries.
If you do not know how to work out a training plan, use the help of our trainers who will adapt the plan to your needs, guaranteeing you continuous progress and minimizing the risk of injury.
Not enough time to regenerate
A key role in the case of training is played by rest between training units. The plan must be adapted to your capabilities, health and well-being.
Regeneration must be properly planned, as well as training. When you do not spend enough time on regeneration, at best it will end up with stagnation, lack of progress.
When you do not pay attention to the aspects of regeneration, including a sufficiently long interval between training units, as well as the right amount of sleep, each intensive training will stimulate your body to excrete cortisol - a stress hormone, which will lead to muscle catabolism and the lack of desired training effects. An inadequate effort may lead to injury in the long run.

In summary, to prevent injuries and contusions in the most effective way, in your training plan pay close attention to:
• technique of performed exercises,
• properly selected loads to your capabilities,
• individualized training plan,
• proper preparation for the training unit,
• regeneration of the body.
The above tips should be adapted individually to your possibilities and needs. Thanks to the mentioned advices, the risk of injury would be minimized. However, if you are not sure whether you can prevent injuries properly, ask one of our personal trainers for professional support.