139 pln per month
for minimum 12 months.
Total price for the entire period
duration of the contract: 1669 PLN
(average: 128,38pln/month)
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion:
Total price for the entire period
contract validity: PLN 1,548.
99,50 pln for person
199 pln for membership
for next billing period.
39,90 pln
39,90 pln
subscription payment model
subscription payment model
indefinite period of time
indefinite period of time
You can cancel at any time effective at the end of the current billing period.
You can cancel at any time effective at the end of the current billing period.
you turn it off when you want
you turn it off when you want
Cyclical debiting of the payment card.
The pass is renewed automatically until canceled.
Cyclical debiting of the card.
The pass is renewed automatically until canceled.
yes, many times
yes, many times
yes, multiple changes
Calypso Fitness S.A. jest beneficjentem Subwencji Finansowej udzielonej przez Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. w ramach Tarczy finansowej 2.0 Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju dla Mikro, Małych i Średnich Firm.