Do you want to quickly find an answer to a question about your subscription?
Use our Virtual Customer Assistant. We have collected the most frequently asked questions here. It takes just a few clicks to receive support in the topic you are interested in
W strefie klienta MojeC@lypso dowiesz się więcej o swoim saldzie, opłacisz fakturę, a także znajdziesz odpowiedź na większość swoich pytań.
Do you have a question about the services in the club? Please contact the club of your choice directly.
Prefer to talk to us over the phone? Our consultants will answer your questions.
You haven’t found the answer to your question - write to us!
Use the Contact Form, we will deal with your case as soon as possible.
Calypso Fitness S.A. jest beneficjentem Subwencji Finansowej udzielonej przez Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. w ramach Tarczy finansowej 2.0 Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju dla Mikro, Małych i Średnich Firm.